Bid Status: Closed

Title Status Details
RFQ-2019-072 (LRPV) PR-231 Procurement of Meals, Lease of Venue and Other Materials for the RA 9184 Training Awareness with BOD Closed Read More
RFQ-2019-071 (LRPV) PR-230 Procurement of Meals, Lease of Venue and Other Materials for the RA 9184 Training Closed Read More
Invitation for Negotiated Conference – General Forest Care Services Closed Read More
RFQ 2019-070 (SVP) PR-263 LED Lights and Decorations Closed Read More
RFQ 2019-069 (SVP) PR-252 Corporate Giveaways Closed Read More
RFQ-2019-068 (LRPV) PR-198 Violence Against Women and Children (VAWC) on November 29, 2019 Closed Read More
RFQ-2019-067 (LRPV) PR-241 Lease of Rental property and Venue with Meals for Management Review Closed Read More
RFQ-2019-055 (SVP) PR-253 Printing of JHMC Letterhead, 3rd Posting Closed Read More
RFQ 2019-066 (SVP) PR-240 Shirts and Jackets Uniform Closed Read More
RFQ-2019-065 SVP PR 259 Prizes for the Camp John Hay Anniversary Celebration re-posting Closed Read More
RFQ 2019-065 (SVP) PR-259 Prizes for the Camp John Hay Anniversary Celebration – re-posting Closed Read More
RFQ-2019-059 (SVP) PR-214 Waste Collection Bins – Re Posting Closed Read More
2019-063 Procurement of Catering Services for the Sustaining of the JHMC EMS Certification to ISO 14001:2015 conformance Closed Read More
2019-062 Procurement of Rehabilitation of the damaged stairs leading to the Amphitheater Closed Read More
RFQ No. 2019-055: Procurement of Services for the Printing of JHMC Letterhead, 2nd Posting Closed Read More
RFQ No. 2019-055: Procurement of Services for the Printing of JHMC Letterhead Closed Read More
ITB: Disposal of Three (3) Units Unserviceable Vehicle Closed Read More
RFQ No. 2019-052: Procurement of Movable/Modular Guard Houses to Include Delivery and Installation Closed Read More
RFQ No. 2019-051: Procurement of Meals, Lease of Venue and Other Materials for the Quarterly Performance Review of JHMC Closed Read More