Bid Status: Closed

Title Status Details
RFQ No. 2020-076: Procurement of computer Laptops with installation of computer software, webcam, router, cables and connectors Closed Read More
Invitation to Re-Bid for Renovation of two (2) Damaged Stations Closed Read More
RFQ No. 2020-074: Procurement of Materials for Installation of Awning window as ventilation at AIM Closed Read More
RFQ No. 2020-073: Procurement of 2020 Corporate Giveaways Closed Read More
RFQ No. 2020-072: Procurement of Catering and services for the Third-Party Surveillance 2 Audit for ISO 19001:2015 Certification Maintenance Closed Read More
RFQ No. 2020-070: Procurement of ICT Supplies and Equipment (2nd Posting) Closed Read More
RFQ No. 2020-071: Procurement of Services for the Conduct of Annual Physical Exam for Employees Closed Read More
RFQ No. 2020-062: Procurement of Conference Microphone System and portable wireless microphone with installation services (4th Posting) Closed Read More
RFQ No. 2020-061: Procurement of computer Laptops with installation of computer software, webcam, router, cables and connectors (4th Posting) Closed Read More
RFQ No. 2020-069: Contract (ABC) at One Hundred Eighty Thousand Pesos (PhP 180,000.00) for the Procurement of catering services for event coverage: Training and seminar on Safety and Security related knowledge Closed Read More
RFQ No. 2020-068: Procurement of catering services for event coverage: Training and seminar on RA.9184 Closed Read More
RFQ No. 2020-058: Procurement of Services for the Installation of Signage (Street, Warning, Parking, Etc.) Leading to the Historical Core (3rd Posting) Closed Read More
RFQ No. 2020-055: Procurement of Various Office Supplies for SEZAD Client (5th Posting) Closed Read More
Invitation to Bid for Fencing of Historical Core (Historical Core and Manor Boundary) Closed Read More
Bid Bulletin No. 1: Slope Protection at Hillside Barangay Closed Read More
RFQ No. 2020-053: Procurement of ID Machine with QR code and peripherals (4th Posting) Closed Read More
RFQ No. 2020-056: Procurement of Services for the Restoration of Epitaphs at the Cemetery of Negativism 1 and 2 (2nd Posting) Closed Read More
RFQ No. 2020-060: Procurement of Computer Tablets (revised specifications) Closed Read More
RFQ No. 2020-063: Procurement of Various Office supplies for JHMC use Closed Read More
RFQ No. 2020-052: Procurement for Printing of SEZAD Permits (3rd Posting) Closed Read More