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  • JHMC: A Gender Responsive Workplace
    JHMC: A Gender Responsive Workplace
    In line with the continuing efforts of John Hay Management Corporation (JHMC) – Gender and Development (GAD), an Employee Awareness Seminar was held at the Venus Parkview Hotel, Baguio City, which focused on the discussion of various laws that needs to be reiterated to the employees. Ruby Verceles of...
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  • JHMC’s CSR Programs Reach Communities and Educational Institutions
    JHMC’s CSR Programs Reach Communities and Educational Institutions
    Camp John Hay, Baguio City -In order to bridge the gap between diversity and to promote health and education, JHMC under its corporate social responsibility (CSR) program reinforced its commitment towards community development, touching hundreds of lives within the reservation through educational institutions and partner agencies. Brigada Eskwela Just...
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  • JHMC Introduces Training on Fire Brigade to Stakeholders
    JHMC Introduces Training on Fire Brigade to Stakeholders
    Baguio City – Camp John Hay through the John Hay Management Corporation recognizes its responsibility towards internal and external stakeholders for the preservation and safety of the area as it holds Gender and Development (GAD)-Infused Barangay Based Firefighting Training. JHMC Fire brigade Training A total of seventy (70) participants attended...
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  • Therapy in the Woods
    Therapy in the Woods
    Have you hugged a tree? Have you noticed the sunlight peeping through the leaves? Have you tried to smell the calming breeze and the scent of the greens? Have you heard the distinct sound of nature with the chirping birds humming overhead on the trees? Have you walked barefoot...
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  • FEATURE STORY- Camp John Hay Secret: Walking the Trails From the Past
    FEATURE STORY- Camp John Hay Secret: Walking the Trails From the Past
    “Historic tunnels, caves and trails are enchanting and enthralling. They are like honeycombed cavities to me for, with each conduit, their stories intertwined, fusing our past and present, creating a realistic view of true Filipino ingenuity.” Camp John Hay, aside from its towering pine trees and mossy greens, is...
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