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  • HE Ilan Fluss of Israel visit to Camp John Hay
    HE Ilan Fluss of Israel visit to Camp John Hay
    His Excellency, Ilan Fluss of Israel visited the Camp John Hay Bell House and the Historical Core on 22 March 2022. He was welcomed by the John Hay Management Corporation (JHMC) President and CEO, Allan R. Garcia, JHMC Vice President and COO, Jane Theresa G. Tabalingcos, and Bases Conversion...
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    In response to pandemic, urban gardening and organic farming have been encouraged to contribute to the production of healthy food for the population. These acts of environmental resiliency significantly increased the production of organic, healthy and sustainable food consumed personally by the residents. Said information and data were reported...
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  • JHMC Supports DepEd’s Brigada Eskwela, Bayanihan para sa Paaralan
    JHMC Supports DepEd’s Brigada Eskwela, Bayanihan para sa Paaralan
    Camp  John  Hay,  Baguio  City  – DepEd’s  Brigada  Eskwela  advocates  volunteerism. Traditionally, stakeholders physically clean, paint, repaint, do minor repairs and fix electrical works. Sponsors and supporters of this program share their resources, efforts, and time to promote a safe, clean, and suitable learning environment for students for the...
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  • JHMC Plants 800 Arabica Coffee Seedlings in Observance of Arbor Day
    JHMC Plants 800 Arabica Coffee Seedlings in Observance of Arbor Day
    Camp John Hay, Baguio City – Arbor Day has been established to be observed on every 25th of June under Republic Act No. 10176 entitled, “An Act Reviving the Observance of Arbor Day by Authorizing the Local Government Units the Responsibilities for Celebrating the Day for Tree Planting as...
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  • Eco-Awareness Campaign and Clean Up Drive
    Eco-Awareness Campaign and Clean Up Drive
    Eco-Awareness Campaign and Clean Up Drive for Loakan Roadsides and Camp John Hay Yellow Trail. The clean up drive is part of the continuing campaign of JHMC on its ecological responsibility. Throughout the activity, 675 kilograms of trash were taken out from potentially going into waterways. We were joined...
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