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  • Estero Clean-up
    Estero Clean-up
    The Adopt-an-Estero program is a collaborative undertaking among the communities, private entities, local government units and the DENR. Under the program, partners and organizations “adopt” a portion of a waterway to improve its water quality through regular clean-up drives, conduct information and education campaigns in surrounding communities, and mobilize...
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  • JHMC: A Gender Responsive Workplace
    JHMC: A Gender Responsive Workplace
    In line with the continuing efforts of John Hay Management Corporation (JHMC) – Gender and Development (GAD), an Employee Awareness Seminar was held at the Venus Parkview Hotel, Baguio City, which focused on the discussion of various laws that needs to be reiterated to the employees. Ruby Verceles of...
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  • JHMC’s CSR Programs Reach Communities and Educational Institutions
    JHMC’s CSR Programs Reach Communities and Educational Institutions
    Camp John Hay, Baguio City -In order to bridge the gap between diversity and to promote health and education, JHMC under its corporate social responsibility (CSR) program reinforced its commitment towards community development, touching hundreds of lives within the reservation through educational institutions and partner agencies. Brigada Eskwela Just...
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